Public International Law Quiz


Preparation Material of Public International law with short notes, use password: thesayeed01


You need to answer minimum of 50% correct answers to get complete preparation material of Public International law link and its password

#1. According to which theory Municipal Law & International Law, Both are the same.


#2. International law is the vanishing point of jurisprudence was opined by:

#3. Formal acknowledgment of an entity by an existing country is called

#4. What are the kinds of state succession?


#5. Oppenheim's definition International Law talks about:

#6. Which source was mentioned for the first time in Article 38 of the Permanent Court of International Justice?

#7. The rule of state succession was incorporated from:

#8. Auto limitation theory is coined by

#9. A state is and becomes an international person through recognition only and exclusively. By:

#10. PIL is also called as

#11. What is meant by Pacta sunt servanda?

#12. What are the elements of State?


#13. Substitution of one state by another state is called

#14. Observation of International Law as a Law was made by:

#15. How many types of State Recognition in International Law?

#16. A provisional recognition of an existing state is called

#17. Codification means

#18. Who wrote "De Jure Belli ac Pacis"?

#19. Acquisition of Res Nullius:

#20. Who is considered the father of PIL?


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